Our Vision

Growing Community for Jesus Christ

As a part of the body of Christ, (the Church), our intention is to be a living expression of God’s love and to reflect His purposes in our community.

“We announce the message about Christ and we use all our wisdom to warn and teach everyone, so that all of Christ’s followers will grow and become mature.”—Colossians 1:28

We are a Jesus-loving, community-focussed church made up of people who hail from the wonderful beaches, farmland, and townships of the wider Dargaville area.

As a family of inter-generational, multi-racial believers we are passionate about the Word of God and in sharing His love and truth with those around us.

We meet at 10:00am each Sunday morning in Dargaville for worship and to be encouraged in God’s Word followed by morning tea and fellowship. Twice a month we share in the Lord’s Supper or Communion.

During the week there are several small groups which meet at various times for encouragement, support, Bible study and prayer.

We endeavour to serve as Jesus did – meeting people where they are at in their faith journey, and by helping one another to grow in relationship with God – the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

We would love you to join us in this exciting journey exploring the Christian faith together!

Our Beliefs and Ordinances

Dargaville Baptist Community Church is a community of those who believe in God the Father, in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit—one God; who are repentant of sin and have been saved by personal faith in Jesus Christ through His atoning death and resurrection; who publicly confess their faith and who are committed to the Church's aims and functions.

We believe in…

  • The inspiration of the Bible and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.

  • The true humanity and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • The atonement made by our Lord on the Cross for the sin of the world.

  • Salvation by faith in Christ alone.

  • Membership in the Christian Church for the regenerate (born again).

  • The immersion of believers as the only scriptural form of baptism.

  • The person of the Holy Spirit who sets apart and empowers believers for Christian living, and who imparts spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ.

  • The priesthood of all believers (all believers have direct access to God).

  • Believers’ baptism by immersion to publicly acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour

  • Communion (the Lord’s Supper) which generally occurs on the first and third Sundays in the month and is open to all believers

Our Ordinances are…

Our Values

Our core values represent what is important to us as a church; they identify who we are, rally us to accomplish our desires and they unite us in fellowship. They are reflected in all our decision making and activities as we pursue God’s vision for our community.

  • We desire Jesus Christ to be the centre of all that we do: we give Him pre-eminence.

  • We uphold the Bible as the divinely-inspired Word of God and the complete revelation of the will of God and His plan of salvation for all humanity. The scriptures bear unique witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ who is the living Word, the Light and the Life for all mankind.

  • We value the Holy Spirit as the revealer of Truth and the one who always points to Christ. He indwells and empowers the Church with transforming power enabling us to fulfil the mission of God.

  • We value Prayer as a foundational part of our church. We see it as part of everyday Christian life – a continual conversation with God. We always seek to pray according to His will.

  • We value Discipling Believers: equipping and inspiring everyone in our sphere to grow in their relationship with and knowledge of Christ; encouraging them to seek and grow in their gifts as a member of the Body of Christ and so being equipped to do the work of His ministry.

  • We value Mission: sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ as per the mandate given by Him that His followers are His witnesses both locally and globally with the message of the gospel of repentance. We desire to establish strategic mission partnerships in which to invest our resources to help others fulfil their calling in reaching the lost.

  • We value the Bond that unites us as a part of the Body of Christ, seeking to enable every person to participate fully in the life of the church as they are able. We are all responsible and accountable to each other so that young and older, single and married will feel connected and supported through rich, loving, godly relationships.

  • We value the Family as God’s design from the beginning of creation and as the foundation of the Church. We place a high priority on building strong families through healthy marriages between one man and one woman, and by encouraging the spiritual nurturing of children and youth.

Our Story

In December 1960 Dargaville Baptist Fellowship was formally constituted at a meeting of 18 adults and 13 children. Rev. Colin Ayrey of Kaikohe chaired the meeting in the Band Room.

Weekly services were held there with fortnightly prayer meetings in homes. Shortly after this a Sunday school started.

(Prior to this, regular services had been held for 34 years, first monthly, then fortnightly, with Rev. Trevor Gibbs of Whangarei and Rev. Colin Ayrey sharing alternately.)

In the ensuing years there were Bible classes, evening services and baptismal services held in the Tangowahine Stream. Support from Baptist College students was welcomed.

17 March 1963

The Dargaville Baptist Fellowship officially became the Dargaville Baptist Church with 22 members. Application was made to the NZ Baptist Union and Missionary Society for membership. The established pattern of part and short term pastoral help continued for many years.


With help from a Legion of Donors grant, an old house at 185 Victoria Street was purchased for youth work. As the work expanded a hall was purchased in 1968 and moved onto the property as the youth hall.


The church became more involved in giving to mission work, and that same year purchased a manse, looking forward to the day when they would have a full-time minister. Meanwhile the manse was let which proved to be a valuable investment.

Throughout the 1970s the church grew and the services transferred to the larger youth hall. A foyer was built onto the front of the hall in such a position as to serve as part of a new church building in the future.

At this time, the church grew in maturity as well as numbers with local men taking over leading many services. Home groups and an adult Bible study group began, along with missionary prayer meetings and in 1976 a weekly newsletter called “Church in Action”.

As people were led to the Lord and the congregation grew elders were appointed to deal with pastoral needs.

The church’s first full-time minister, Rev. John Twemlow, arrived in February 1980 with the original manse being sold and a larger one bought and renovated. By this time there were over 100 people attending, including about 30 members. Baptisms and membership increased markedly under Rev. Twemlow’s ministry. Although fellowship and hospitality had been a mark of this church for many years it now included church hangi.


Pastor Tim Johnston took over for 5 years followed by Rev. Lindsay Coop and then in 1993 Steve Clarke who stayed for 10 years. Steve’s building skills were a great asset in building a new auditorium adjoining the hall. Many members helped, keeping building costs to a minimum and resulting in it being debt free after only a few years.

This was also a time of much community focus and in 2001 a hall was purchased in the centre of town and renamed ‘Fish Factory’ as a focus for youth outreach. mainly music was set up and continues to this day. Kaipara Parenting was also established, running courses from Parenting Inc. for the community.

2006 – 2010

This period saw Vaughan Saywell as pastor with the beginning of the national 24/7 youth programme in Dargaville High School being integrated with the youth work at Fish Factory.

Gareth Wood arrived in 2013 and served for 5 years with a focus on relational ministry.

Alpha courses were run as well as a range of targeted/themed small groups for all ages.

Then in August 2019 Edmonds Namburi was welcomed as Pastor. The church is blessed as he continues to pastor today with a ministry of strong biblical preaching. Along with his wife Sarah they both exhibit the gift of hospitality.

As a church we are grateful to God for all those who have gone before, paving the way for where we are today.