Church Ministries
Home Groups
As a church, we believe in the importance of home groups to foster close relationships and to enable us to connect and care at both a practical and spiritual level for the needs of the people within the congregation that is not possible during a church service.
Our home groups also encourage prayer for one another, growth in the Word of God and cultivation of our God-given gifts.
There are several groups running: daytime, evening, in person and online.
For more details check out the weekly church newsletter or contact the church office.
Women's Group
Once a month on a Saturday afternoon the church women of all ages are invited for a time of fellowship. We meet in the church hall over coffee and cake followed by some sort of activity, discussion, Bible study, or time of sharing. It’s a time of laughter and sometimes tears, learning new skills, prayer and encouragement for one another. We all value this time of getting to know our sisters better in Christ.
We aim to create a supportive environment where women feel comfortable sharing experiences, challenges, and insights from their lives as Christ followers.
4pm First Saturday of the month.
Contact Sarah 021 212 3352 -
Men's Group
The men of the church discuss a pre-arranged topic and pray together. We are aware of our differences and while we try to be transparent about it, we do not hesitate to explore spiritual truths that are empowered by the Holy Spirit. This time is life-influencing and challenging as we learn about commitment and honesty. Being with others who have ‘got your back’ gives a sense of togetherness and increasing awe of the greatness and majesty of God.
This group is an opportunity for men to be connected, challenged, encouraged and inspired as we submit ourselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, provoking one another to pursue excellence.
…it might just be worth the early start.
5:30 to 7am Mondays.
Contact Neil 027 208 2376 -
The biblical foundation upon which our church has built its mission focus is found in Matthew 28:18-20 where Jesus gives the command to ‘go and make disciples of ALL nations’.
We all have a part to play both locally and internationally. Some are called by God to minister to the people from many nations in our community, and some are called by God to go and minister to the nations overseas. Our church supports both.
Sunday School
The young people from our congregation are in church for the first part of the service including worship time, and leave to attend either Sunday school or Junior Youth Group just before the sermon.
There are two age-groups for the Sunday school: 3-5 year olds and 6-10 year olds. Dependent on the age-level the programme includes prayer, songs, story time, colouring/craft activity, memory verses, games and a fruit snack. It is a fun and engaging time for all.
Our Sunday school ministry aims to lead children to Jesus and help them grow in His love so they can share this with others. This is encouraged by building meaningful relationships between children, leaders and parents.
10am Sunday.
Junior Youth
The Junior Youth group covers ages 11-16 years. The purpose of the group is to continue learning about God and what it means to be part of the body of Christ. This usually involves a chat about a Bible story or topic, prayer and a game/fun time.
The young people from our congregation are in church for the first part of the service including worship time, and leave to attend either Sunday school or Junior Youth Group just before the sermon.
There is also a “Rock-solid” operating out of DBCC on a Thursday evening for the youth.
10am Sunday.
What we’ve been up to…